Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A Difficult Thing

Recently I was speaking with a Christian Professor named Leonard Sweet. One of the pearls of wisdom that he mentioned to me has really stuck. He said, "Why is it we are so obsessed with imitating Jesus?" "If it was possible to imitate Jesus, then we wouldn't need Jesus." Wow...that's dead on. When I speak to people, I often hear, "I just need to act more like Jesus would act." For most of us, that means pulling up the bootstraps and giving it the best go possible. Unfortunately, too often our attempts fall short.

The life of a Christian is not about simply imitation. It is the life of participation! And boy is there a difference. Imitation is an act of the will. Participation is an act of Communion and Grace. The way of Jesus in this world is not something that comes naturally for us. If it were then we wouldn't have needed the rescuing and redemption that He brought to this world. Instead, what we are called to do is live "in Christ." We are called to enter into the very being of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Paul says, "it is not I that live but Christ that lives in me." Paul is saying, "Listen church, Jesus isn't some courageous moral example!" Jesus is the One through whom God's Divine Plan is manifest! Jesus is the one that institutes in this world what it means to be completely human! Jesus is instituting for us a new way!

This new way is not achieved through our action. It is experienced and lived out as our lives are surrendered to the wonder working power of God's Spirit that makes possible the impossible. When we ask the famous question, "What would Jesus do?" Our answer, in deep humility should be, "probably not what I would do, nor am I capable of doing, but! with God all things are possible."

My friends, be set free from the need to imitate. Instead, step into the divine space of God's grace that compels action in our world that shows Jesus and not our great, courageous, moral attempts.

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